Archive for 2013
How to Give Maximum Protection to your Facebook Account
Facebook is the best social networking website where people chat with there friends, share funny things etc. By this time every Internet user is on Facebook Its a platform for many people to expand there business and increase there products sale as well. Everyday 600,000 accounts have been compromised. This show how massive attacks going on Facebook users and importance of Facebook Security Measures.
Why Hackers Try To Hack Your Account ?
- To Steal Information: The main motto behind hacking your account can be stealing your Information. As Facebook is a place where you can interact with every person and discuss various issues like personal matters, business deals, Education etc. So some one might wanted to know your secrets about your personal/professional life will try to hack your account or hire a hacker to do so.
- To Ruin Your Business: For many people Facebook is not just a social networking site but its a great platform for many people to expand there business and get wide popularity is just few days. Even for a blogger like me, my Facebook account is very precious to me as its is one of the major traffic source for my blog and also my Facebook Fan Pages Which contains a number of likes. If such an account gets compromised than i will be loosing my Facebook Fan Pages and many other groups linked with that account.
- For Money: As i already said that your Facebook account is not just an account but its linked with your personal/professional life. Some people might sell/hack your account to earn money.
- Just For Fun: Now this sound weird but its true. Some hackers just hack Facebook accounts randomly for fun.Having passion to become a hacker is not a bad thing but using your skills in a wrong way may take such people into a danger.
Even though there are hundred other reasons for hackers to hack your account.
Does Facebook Gives Good Security To Its Users ?
The answer is YES. Facebook is very much concerned with its security of its users. Though the privacy is not that good on Facebook but security measures are high. Its highly difficult to compromise a Facebook account unless the Facebook user ignores few security measures and falls into trap of Hacker.
Steps To Protect Your Account:
1. Create A Strong Password:
This is the first thing every user may take care of.
Its very unfortunate to tell you that most of the passwords are either phone number/nick name/date of birth.
This makes your account very weak and it will be very easy to compromise your account by guessing the password if the other person know your personality or just few detail of yours
A strong password must contain at least 8 digits with Small Letters(a,b,c) , CAPS(A,B,C), Numbers(1,5,9) and Special Characters(@,%,$)
2. Setup Very Strong Security Question:
80% of the accounts are hacked by answering security question. Most of the people ignore and became lazy while setting up there security question and for the name sake they keep some nick name/native places as there security questions. A person knowing a little information about you can easily answer your security question and hacks your account
If you have not yet set security questions to your Facebook account.
Go to Account Settings---> Security Tab there you can see the option setting up security question
If you have already set your security question than this option will not show you.
3. Turn On Secure Browsing:
Always browse on secure https:// . The green https:// in your browser url denotes secure browsing whereas yellow/red mark on https:// denotes insecure browsing.
4. Turn On Log In Notification:
By turning on log in notification you will get a message to your email/phone number whenever you log in from a new device. Facebook mobile service is very poor and you rarely get any message from them to mobile but there email notification service is pretty good and fast.
Go to Log in Notification Button and check both boxes than save changes.
5. Set A Different Password For Applications:
We daily use many application on Facebook. Most of you wont ask you for password but rarely you will find few applications that asks your password to get access. Most of the times such type of applications will turn out to be phishing scams. So Facebook has taken an advanced step and gave users an option to set a different password for applications.
To set a temporary password for applications go to APP password and click on generate.
6. Keep The Account Safe Which Is Linked With Your Facebook Account:
Your Facebook account may either linked with g mail,yahoo, Hotmail etc. In order to protect your Facebook account you must give good protection to your linked accounts.
7. Maintain Separate Public And Private Email Address:
As I already said that you must keep your linked account safe in order to keep your Facebook Account safe. So better keep the email linked to Facebook secret and don't share with friends
8. Hide Your Primary Email ID From Other:
1. Go To Account Info.
2. In Contact Info Section Click on Edit Button.
3. Now if you are asked to enter your password enter your password and save.
4. Then you can set your preference as you like to your primary email address.
5. Choose Only Me if you want to hide it from others.
9. Keep A Glance At Recognized Devices:
Facebook asks you for device name whenever you log in from a new device. Facebook stores the names of all these devices in your Recognized Devices Section. If any time you see suspicious device click on remove.
10. Do Not Fall For Scams:
Facebook is the #1 target for spammers. They try to scam each and every possible way to trap you to hack your account to earn money.
Most of the common scams you see on Facebook looks like removing Facebook Timeline,Check out who viewed your profile most.
After timeline has introduced and once you enabled it than its not possible to remove timeline. Also there is no such application which helps you to know who viewed your profile the most,Facebook does not allow this. Such things are very eye catching and most of the people want to know such things so that give a try and fall in trap. Such of things are primary targets for scammers, Beware Of Such Things
Earn Money On Internet
1, Make Money Online With A Website Or Blog:
This is the best and safe way of earning money on Internet. I see many people build some quality website or blog with good traffic monetize there website with ad sense and makes a lot of money out of it. If your blog/website have good traffic you can earn tons of money with ad sense. If its quality website you can earn equivalent to a part time job after some times it would be equivalent to a full time job and some times if your blog grows up it can also provides you a side business platform so that you can hire your employees to work on your blog or website.
2. Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing:
In affiliate marketing you as a publisher will be rewarded when you help a business by promoting there products. You don't have to sell the products all the time there are many other offers by affiliate marketers such as :
This is the best and safe way of earning money on Internet. I see many people build some quality website or blog with good traffic monetize there website with ad sense and makes a lot of money out of it. If your blog/website have good traffic you can earn tons of money with ad sense. If its quality website you can earn equivalent to a part time job after some times it would be equivalent to a full time job and some times if your blog grows up it can also provides you a side business platform so that you can hire your employees to work on your blog or website.
2. Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing:
In affiliate marketing you as a publisher will be rewarded when you help a business by promoting there products. You don't have to sell the products all the time there are many other offers by affiliate marketers such as :
- Pay Per Sale
- Pay Per Click
- Pay Per Lead
3. Make Money With Paid Online Surveys:
This is also another great source to earn money easily on Internet. All you have to do is to register a free account on paid online survey sites network and give you opinion,views,ideas etc. It doesn't require any hard work and great knowledge. One of the Best Paid Online Survey sites is
4. Make Money Online With Data Entry Jobs:
There are a lot of data entry sites where you can earn by entering data. These jobs are similar to filling data in office the different is than now you are doing the same work at home Online. Most of the people think that Data Entry Jobs are fake but believe me there are 2500+ real data entry websites. Its up to you that you fall in scam site or not.
5. Make Money Online Via Freelancing:
In freelancing you can earn by doing assigned tasks. Freelancing is one of the greatest way to earn money Online. In order to make money by freelancing you should have great skill and talent in that task on the basis of which you provide services to others. There are many websites which provides job for freelancing, so choose one of them and start earning by doing assigned work.
6. Make Money Online By Selling Your E-book:
If you are expert in any tasks than you can earn money by writing e-book on that topic and sell them. If your e-book goes viral you can earn tons of money with that.
7. Make Money Online By Writing Quality Articles:
If you are a good writer than you can earn money Online and even in Normal World. In this way you are rewarded money to write articles on a specific topic. Many website/blogs pay there guests for writing an article for there Website/Blog.
8. Make Money Online For Reading E-mails:
Some networks offer you money just for reading their mails. Most of you think that its a scam but believe me there are som sites which offer this work. Now its your luck if you fall in scam or get some real site.
9. Earn Money By Uploading And Sharing Files:
It is a very easy way to get paid as you just have to upload files on those website who offers this job and you will be get rewarded when some one downloads the file uploaded by you. Most of website builders pay for this job to get traffic on there website as if they have a huge collection of data more visitors will visit there Website.
10. Earn Money By Shortening URL:
It is also a good but hard working job as you have to provide traffic to your shortened URL. The visitor should have to see the ad placed between your real URL and the shortened URL. You would be paid every time when your shortened URL is clicked and viewed.
Enjoy Stay Tuned !!
Wondering How To Do These:
You can simply copy paste these in your Facebook,Twitter, G mail or any other social networking site and make it look attractive..
Here is the list of some major ASCII generators which can create ASCII arts for you Online :)
- http://fsymbols/generators/
Enjoy Stay Tuned !!
Create Single Name Profile In Facebook
Mostly Facebook Does not Allow you Only Single Name In Your ID.
It always asks to use first name + last name OR first name + second name.
So here is the trick through which you can use only Single Name in your ID.
1. Change Your Browser Proxy:
First of all change your browser proxy manually. Use one of the proxy given below:
PORT: 8080
If This Proxy Does Not Work For You . Go To Google And Search Any Indonesian Proxy.
Than Save Your Settings.
2. Change Your Name By Using This Method:
It always asks to use first name + last name OR first name + second name.
So here is the trick through which you can use only Single Name in your ID.
1. Change Your Browser Proxy:
First of all change your browser proxy manually. Use one of the proxy given below:
PORT: 8080
If This Proxy Does Not Work For You . Go To Google And Search Any Indonesian Proxy.
Than Save Your Settings.
2. Change Your Name By Using This Method:
- Go to your account settings.
- Change your language from English (US) to Bahasa Indonesia.
- Than simply remove your last name and save it
- After Saving change your language back to English (US)
Now your Facebook account name is with Only your First Name.
3. Change Your Proxy Back To System Proxy:
To change your proxy back to system proxy simply Go to Proxy Settings --> LAN Settings --> Choose Automatically Detect Settings.
Important Note:
First Log In to your Facebook account than change your proxy settings Otherwise it may gives you an error while Logging In due Security Concern and may asks you to complete a security check.
Post your Status in All Facebook Groups in a Single Click
Some times you want to post your status or write message in all of your groups. If you do the job manually it will be time consuming frustrating process. And you end up your status posting in groups in just a few minutes after posting in some groups. But now your job has become very easy. There is a Facebook application using which you can post your Facebook status in any number of groups you wish.
Using THIS TOOL you can make your job easy to post your status in multiple groups
Using THIS TOOL you can make your job easy to post your status in multiple groups
Live TV on Facebook
There is a Facebook application that provides free streaming of live T.V channels on Facebook You can watch a lot of international channels using this application. I am able to watch live TV channels without buffering on my 2G connection. This application is totally at free of cost
If It Gives You Error Like This
No Need To WORRY About That.. Just follow these steps and you would be able to stream live TV
Step 1 :
Go To Your Account Settings.
If It Gives You Error Like This
Step 1 :
Go To Your Account Settings.
Step 2 :
Go To Security Settings Than Secure Browsing.
Step 3:
Ucheck this mark.
Now You Can Use This APP !!
Enjoy Stay Tuned :)
Insert Photo into Facebook chat
Hello friends,
Today I am going to teach you how to put any picture into Facebook chat.
Today I am going to teach you how to put any picture into Facebook chat.
I have published a number of Facebook tricks. If you are a regular visitor of my Blog you should have go through from my Facebook tricks like Facebook Single Name Profile , Post in multiple Groups , Live TV On Facebook , Scheduling Facebook Messages , Share Flickr Photos To Facebook , Download Facebook Photo Albums , Blank Status On Facebook , Upload Status Via Different Devices , Disable Facebook New Time Line Feature etc etc
Now I am going to teach you how to put images in Facebook chat.....
It is not so difficult as its seems to be ;)
Follow up these steps :
- Go to this Link -->
- Click on Facebook Chat Code Maker.
- Than Click on Choose File Button
- Select the image you want to send in Facebook chat.
- Click on Upload Button.
- It will take some time, have patience.. After some time it will give you some code.
- Copy paste that code in Facebook Chat and Send.. These codes will automatically turn into image ;)
Enjoy Stay Tuned !!
Schedule Facebook Messages
Hey Friends,
Getting very good response from our Visitors. Many of people asked me to find out a trick through which we can schedule Facebook messages like posts.
So today i am going to teach you how to schedule Facebook messages.
Sendible is a a social media networking website.
Getting very good response from our Visitors. Many of people asked me to find out a trick through which we can schedule Facebook messages like posts.
So today i am going to teach you how to schedule Facebook messages.
Sendible is a a social media networking website.
Just go to this website sign up here and schedule your Facebook messages to be sent in Future.. Enjoy !!
Stay Tuned !!
Blank status on Facebook
Hey Guys,
Today i have an interesting trick to share with you people.
You will be also amazed after you do it yourself
So the Trick is how to upload blank status on Facebook. Facebook doesn't allow you to post without writing any content in post box. Bu there is a way through which you can post blank status,message and post. You just have to put that code @[0:0: ] . Lol don't worry when you post this code it will show nothing and your status would be blank :D
To increase the length of your blank status just repeat the code again and again like this
@[0:0: ]
@[0:0: ]
@[0:0: ]
Enjoy Stay Tuned !!
Disable Facebook's new TIMELINE feature (By using Browser Extensions)
Hey Guys,
I was very worried about those people who had lost there Facebook account in search of removing Timeline as spammers miss used the dis likeness of New Timeline Feature :(
So i started searching on this Topic to how to remove this Feature. After very hard work and search i have the solution for it
Just Install this ad on in your browser and you will get old profile view of your Facebook account.
Install the suitable ad on depending on your browser.
Only Working On Chrome :
Social Reviver
Working Perfectly On Both Mozila And Google Chrome :
Timeline Remover
Enjoy Stay Tuned !!
I was very worried about those people who had lost there Facebook account in search of removing Timeline as spammers miss used the dis likeness of New Timeline Feature :(
So i started searching on this Topic to how to remove this Feature. After very hard work and search i have the solution for it
Just Install this ad on in your browser and you will get old profile view of your Facebook account.
Install the suitable ad on depending on your browser.
Only Working On Chrome :
Social Reviver
Working Perfectly On Both Mozila And Google Chrome :
Timeline Remover
Enjoy Stay Tuned !!